

Mia Mattiolo was born on December 5th, 1989 in the outskirts of Milan, Italy. She spends her childhood in a large family, with their relatives involved in the italian fashion industry. Mia Mattiolo grows up together with her older sister – professional violinist –whom develops Mia in a remarkable interest for musical harmonies and chords. This is the reason why, at her very young age, she became passionate about piano, an instrument that guides her through her adolescence. Mia Mattiolo begun her working career as model in order to pay her studies. She felt not comfortable into this luxury world and she decides to devote herself exclusively to music. She moved for few years in a magical island, Ibiza, European homeland of music, which enriched her musical knowledge with DJ sets. During this experience, Mia Mattiolo found in Deep / Soulful / Classic House the correct path to pursue in order to express her musical feelings.

Back in Milan, Mia Mattiolo started her musical experience playing as DJ in the most famous and exclusive clubs of fashion capital city, including Tocqueville 13, Just Cavalli Hollywood, Loolapaloosa & Black Hole. Mia Mattiolo dj sets are breaking the mold of typical DJs: her trendy style together with her background as pianist and passion for clubbing mixed with her music culture, makes her a very eclectic DJ able to convey her emotions in every performance.

Mia Mattiolo recently began a collaboration with Harley&Muscle group, world leader in Soulful / Deep House with whom she begun several projects that will see light on the german labels of the Italian dynamic duo.